This series follows the life and legacy left by my grandfather, Clifford Gary Hines.
 In 2017, he passed away suddenly and for a while, much of my work reflected feelings about him and his life. These works include photos from childhood, getting drafted, marriage, divorce, becoming a father, and hobbies. Creating these works brought me much comfort in one of the hardest losses of my life.
Watercolor, India Ink, Charcoal, Pastels, Red Ink and Linoleum Cut, and Photo Transfer on Mixed Media Paper.
Sizes range from 16x24", 20x20", and 11x14"
This series follows the growth of the human brain from birth to the end of a life.
Oil Pastels, String, Red Mixed Media Paste, Chalk Pastel, Acrylic Paint on Mixed Media Paper.
Sizes range from 20x20" to 18x24"
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